Conquering Complex Migration – How Enquizit Helped the Department of Transportation Transition to the AWS Cloud

For large organizations balancing departmental and centralized control, the move to the cloud can be daunting. Organizations attempting to go it alone will quickly discover that top-down migration strategies that work for some departments can be counterproductive for others. On the other hand, allowing each department to make their own move to the cloud means a lack of centralized control and visibility, along with limited support for small departments that don’t have the resources to develop their own migration plan. While migrations like this can feel impossible, they don’t have to be. What does it look like to conquer complex migration? In this e-book, we’ll take a deep dive into Enquizit’s migration process to uncover best practices for organizations attempting to strike a balance between departmental freedom and centralized visibility. Along the way, you’ll hear the story of our partnership with the Department of Transportation (DOT). Though the DOT is a government organization, their work with Enquizit is a valuable example of what complex cloud migration can look like for any large government or commercial organization navigating the push and pull of a multi-department structure.